Lambertville Office
Business Plus Building
6530 Secor Rd.
Lambertville, MI 48144
(734) 854-7061
Ann Arbor Office
Atria Business Park
2010 Hogback Road, Suite 6B
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
(734) 854-7061
Blissfield Office
Educational Wing of St.Paul's Lutheran Church
306 E. Jefferson St.
Blissfield, MI 49228
(517) 486-4005
Dundee Office
Downtown at the Corner of Riley and Monroe
405 W. Monroe Street
Dundee, MI 48131
(734) 854-7061
Monroe Office
Inside Monroe Alliance Church
3975 S. Custer Rd.
Monroe, MI 48161
(734) 854-7061
Perrysburg Office
East Wing of Perrysburg Alliance Church
10401 Avenue Road
Perrysburg, OH 43551
(419) 500-0089
Jackson Office
The Commonwealth Commerce Center
209 E. Washington Ave., Suite 340-B
Jackson, MI 49201
(517) 486-4005